Land Rate Search

Land Rate Search

Introducing land mode in Freightify where you can access spot and contract rates for land transportation. Let's see how to fetch rates for land mode in the platform.

To know how to fetch rates for land mode in the platform, Follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: In the rate search module, Click on the 'LAND' mode.

Step 2: Enter the ‘Origin’ and ‘Destination’.

Step 3: Choose the 'Cut Off Date' from the calendar and select the 'Load Type'.

Step 4: Select the Currency from the dropdown. Click on the 'Search Rates' button to proceed with the search.

Step 6: Now you can view the rate results for land mode of the selected origin and destination.

Step 7: At the top of the rate card, you'll find essential details such as the trucker's name, the Pickup date, truck type, type of trip, waiting time, cargo type, and the validity period of the rates.

Step 8: Additionally, if you've chosen different load types, You can view the freight cost of load type separately on the top of the ratecard.

Step 9: Click on the 'View Details' button to see more information about the selected rate.

Step 10: Explore the comprehensive details of our rate card, including a full breakdown of charges.  Step 11: View the charges for all load types in a singular overview, or selectively filter to analyze the costs associated with each load type separately.

Step 12: Select the '20GP' option to view the charges of the 20GP equipment type.

Step 13: Next, choose the '40GP' option to display the charges associated with the 40GP equipment type.

Step 13: Add the sell rates to each charge and Click the 'Done' button to confirm the rate card for download.

Step 14: Click the 'Download Rates' button on the bottom right to download the rate details.

This is the format of the PDF which contains the downloaded rates.

Experience the latest Freightify land mode and benefit from a comprehensive solution for all your rate management requirements.