Set Rules for Teams

Set Rules for Teams

Hustling to set margins for each user individually? Now you can create teams or group users into teams and apply a single rule to everyone at once.

Step 1: Navigate to the 'Sell Rates' section under the 'Manage Rates' module. Here a rule is created  to the existing team.

Step 2: In the 'Manage Sell Rates' page, proceed to create a Rule, by clicking the 'Add Rule' button.

In the dropdown, select 'Add Rule'. When the 'Create Global Rule' option is clicked, the rule will be applied globally. To apply rules to specific teams, utilize the 'Add Rule' option.

Step 3: In the add rule page, enter the Rule Name and then, select the 'Rule type'. As the rule is applied to the internal members of a team, here the 'Customers and Internal Users' option is selected.

Step 4:
Select the 'Mode'. You can apply the rule either for FCL, LCL or AIR. Here SEA-FCL is chosen.

Then, choose the 'Target User' from the dropdown available. Choose the targeted team to which you want this rule to be applied. You have the flexibility to choose multiple Customers and Teams here. Click 'Done' once you select your Target Users.

Step 5:
Proceed to select the 'Rate Provider'. Enter the 'Origin' and 'Destination' to which the rule has to be applied.  Choose the Liner from the dropdown. You have the accessibility to choose multiple liners.

Step 6: Then enter the condition for the route. The condition 'Markup on a charge with a fixed amount’ is chosen. This condition takes the current charge amount in the specific leg that we choose and adds the amount to the 'Sell Rates'.  

For Instance, here, Basic Ocean Freight charge is chosen under the Freight Leg for 20GP. Enter the 'Value'. This value entered here will be added to the Basic Ocean Freight.Proceed to choose the validity of the condition for this route from the calendar interface. 

Once you enter all the details, click the 'Apply Rule' button in the bottom right.

Step 7:
Your new rule for a specific team has been created successfully.

Step 8: Perform a 'Rate Search' and check if the rule is applied. Select the ‘Mode’. Enter the 'Origin',  'Destination', ‘Cut Off Date’, ‘Load Type’ and  ‘Currency’ that are applicable based on the rule created. Make sure to enter the ‘Sales Person's’ name included in the team, so that the rule is reflected in the Rate Card of the specific liner chosen. Once all the details are filled, hit the ‘Search Rates’ button.

Step 9:
On the Rate Results page, you can view the rates provided by various liners. The conditions will only be applied to the liners chosen in the rule. Click on 'View Details'.

Step 10: The 'Markup on a charge with a fixed amount' is applied and the value has been increased in the 'Sell Rates' section.

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